Roboenza download
Roboenza download

roboenza download

Infected players are now the same speed as normal players, but have increased recoil and slightly increased slowdown on 'hitstun' weapons So I came up with something I like to call Rage Roboenza. I never liked that playing as a zombie felt more like running around like a slow moving target that ate bullets for breakfast. So I was screwing around with ways to change the style of play of Roboenza. With more players, more infected spawn at the start of the round. Rage rules still apply (2 infected kills -> Rage, 5 kills -> spread) This may change in future versions. If all players are infected, then the infected players win (duh) When the timer hits 0:00, all infected players are killed and the survivors win. For each infected player killed, 10 seconds are removed. It starts at 1:30 and for each new infected player, 20 seconds are added. A global timer determines the round result. On respawn or late joining, players are infected automatically. Infected players must kill surviving players. Infected players do not infect others on touch like in Rage Robo. It takes about 15% of your current health to use In the air, it's a boost in the direction you're aiming. Alfire is a super jump (like Rage Robo) on the ground. Infected players are 20% faster than normal players. Infected players have 100 health on spawn, doesn't matter if you're the first or last infected player Description: Ever play Infection in Halo? This is basically that.

Roboenza download